gait data and senno smart insole

Senno Gait can help with foot orthotics design and guide in prosthesis fitting. The gait analysis system is rather useful in balance rehabilitation with biofeedback, it’s easy to use in routine practice, just one click, you can get the gait analysis report on the app. With multiple inertial sensors, Senno Gait can measure the gait data in a comprehensive way.

smart insole|gait analysis system

For better prosthesis rehabilitation, specific gait abnormalities can be identified and compared with a catalog of known gait standards, Senno Gait, the portable gait analysis system, can be used to confirm the possible contributing factors and help physical therapists make available interventions.

senno gait and pronation

Pronation is a complex tri-planar movement that centers around the Subtalar foot joint. It is estimated by measuring the rearfoot angle during ground contact while running and/or walking. Senno gait measures Pronation Excursion, which is the total range of angular movement (in degrees) as the foot rolls inward between footstrike and the point of maximum pronation. It is important because it has been labeled as a potential indicator for overuse injuries while running. However, it is a natural movement and is an effective means of shock absorption at footstrike.

gait rehabilitation with smart insole

Some people recover completely from stroke, but many survivors will have some type of disability. Insole X is a portable gait analysis system, it can facilitate clinical diagnosis and gait assessment. The reports will be tailored to your specifications and include different kinds of kinematic gait parameters.

gait rehabilitation with Insole X

Usually gait rehabilitation demands committed time with a physical therapist, expensive instrumentation and training devices, it’s mainly conducted in a gait laboratory using stationary settings like force plates and force mats, which are used for data acquisition, but size, cost, and usability limit their implementation outside the clinic. Insole X is a superior alternative with high accuracy and portability, the smart insole can collect gait data wherever and whenever you go.

foot movement and smart insole

InsoleX has integrated various types of micro sensors, including 6-DOF movement sensors. They were delicately constructed to collect movement data . As a low-cost, portable and easy to use footwear, InsoleX can be an ambulatory tool for clinical situations, biomechanical research and training program,

gait rehabilitation|stroke and hemiplegia

Insole X ensures different walking trials conducted with the wearers, which allows the physical therapists to keep track of abnormality changes in the gait rehabilitation. The portable gait analysis system can be applied in locomotion disorders evaluation. With clinical diagnosis for individuals with stroke, Insole X can help patients achieve significant improvement in gait symmetry.