VR game with smart insole|PS4

Wearable Technology Platform @www.sennologger.com


virtual reality game

Smart Insole|Foot Data Logger|Gait Analysis System|Measuring Plantar Pressure |Capturing Foot Motion Trajectory|Open API

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In virtual reality games, PS VR is a few steps behind Oculus Rift on a visual level and on a motion controller level, but even it would make a great first impression for someone who’s never tried VR before. Play Station VR consoles can make up for their inferior performance vs. PCs with more affordable price and an abundance of consumer-friendly games.

Sennopro InsoleX has the ability to give the players a brand new experience in virtual reality games. Once put it on, the wearers can use the foot to be more immersive in the virtual worlds. The smart insole can obtain the physical trajectories like angular velocity and orientation data. It’s sort of an innovation in virtual reality game development.

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